The Shanghai Composite Index fell 1% in the day, the Shenzhen Composite Index is down 0.88%, and the growth enterprises market index is down 0.58%.
The Shanghai Composite Index turned down, the Shenzhen Composite Index narrowed its gains to 0.21%, and the growth enterprises market index is now up 0.28%.
The Shenzhen Composite Index turned red, the Shanghai Composite Index is up 0.78%, and the growth enterprises market index narrowed its decline to 0.68%.
The Shanghai Composite Index rose to 1%, and the Shenzhen Composite Index is now up 0.42%; securities, banks and other financial sectors collectively rose.
The Shanghai Composite Index turned down, the Shenzhen Composite Index narrowed its gains to 0.37%, and the growth enterprises market index is now up 0.78%.
The Shanghai Composite index widened its decline to 1%.
Class A shares opened slightly lower, the Shanghai Composite Index opened down 0.06%; the Shenzhen Composite Index opened down 0.15%, and the growth enterprises market opened 0.3% lower.